Guzman, [25] & Hurwitz, [78]; |
Brodin [38] Hoving [79]; Persson [17, 80] |
There is insufficient evidence to support a decision for or against the use of a specific conservative treatment (including manual therapies) in patients with CR |
D’Sylva [23] |
Brodin [38]; Hurwitz 2002; Kogstad [81]; |
There is low level evidence of difference in pain relief, functional improvements or global perceived effect when the combination of manual therapy and physical medicine modalities is compared to placebo, exercise, various combinations of manipulation, education and rare collar use, or physiotherapy applications in patients with or without CR. |
Gross [24] |
Howe1985; Hurwitz 2002 |
No separate conclusion that cervical and /or thoracic manipulation is more effective for patients with CR. |
Miller, [28]; |
Allison [30]; Brodin [38]; Hoving [79]; Persson [17, 80] |
Manipulation or mobilization and exercise produces a greater long-term improvement in pain and global perceived effect when compared to no treatment for chronic neck pain, subacute/ chronic neck pain with cervicogenic headache, and chronic neck pain with or without radicular findings. There was insufficient evidence available to draw any conclusions for neck disorder with radicular findings. |
Leiniger, 27]; |
Allison [30]; Howe 1985; Moretti [32]; Shin [29]; Walker [31] |
The evidence for manipulation or mobilization for cervical spine–related extremity symptoms is very low in quality for all included comparison therapies. Thus, conclusions regarding effectiveness cannot be made |