Overexpression of GTSE1 induces segregation defects in HCT116 cells. (A) Representative Western blots of cell lysates from U2OS, HeLa, and HCT116 and HCT116 p53−/− control and GFP-GTSE1–expressing clonal cell lines used for analysis in C and D. Blots were probed with anti-GTSE1, anti-TACC3, and anti–α-tubulin. The graph represents quantification of GTSE1 protein levels normalized to tubulin levels from the blot shown. The relative abundance of total GTSE1 protein was quantified and normalized to tubulin levels. (B) Low and high intensity immunofluorescence images of HCT116 control and GTSE1-GFP–overexpressing clones showing normal spindle morphology stained for DNA (DAPI), GTSE1, and MTs (tubulin). (C) Quantification of the percentage of anaphase cells with lagging chromosomes for control or GTSE1-GFP–expressing HCT116 clones. n ≥ 99. (D) Quantification of the percentage of anaphase cells with lagging chromosomes for control or GTSE1-GFP–expressing HCT116 p53−/− clones. n ≥ 104. P-values were obtained from χ2 tests comparing control clones (designated by •). Bar, 5 µm. **, P ≤ 0.01.