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. 2016 Oct;176(2-3):83–94. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2016.07.014

Table 1.

Lists of genes that are associated with schizophrenia. A list of specific citations for the table entries is available from the authors. See also (Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics, 2014).

I. Gene II. Evidence III. Gene product IV. Known Functions
Genes reported with genome-wide significance, or showing strong evidence for pathogenicity within deletions/duplications
NMDAR/GRIN2A GWAS NMDA receptor subunit Lynchpin of synaptic plasticity at glutamatergic synapses
GRM3 GWAS Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3 (mGluR3) May influence synaptic glutamate levels or NMDA receptor exocytosis
AMPAR/GRIA1A GWAS Ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit Influences postsynaptic glutamate responsiveness.
CACNA1C GWAS CaV1.2 voltage-gated calcium channel subunit Important in NMDA-independent synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus
NRGN GWAS Neurogranin – calmodulin-binding protein Contributes to regulation of post-synaptic calcium levels and long-term potentiation
MIR137 GWAS mir137 - microRNA Interferes with transcription of target mRNAs including CACNA1C, DPYD, CSMD1, ZNF804A and TCF4
TCF4 GWAS Transcription Factor 4 Targets may include other important schizophrenia related genes as well as stress/survival and developmental pathways. Haploinsufficiency causes Pitt-Rivers syndrome, a mental retardation syndrome.
C10orf26 GWAS Unknown Unknown
CACNB2, CACNA1I, CACNA1C GWAS Voltage-gated calcium channel subunit Unknown
ZNF804A GWAS Zinc Finger Protein transcription factor Unknown
EPHX2 GWAS Epoxide hydrolyse 2 Inhibition reverses PCP (and NMDA antagonist)-induced changes to behavior in mice
SRR GWAS Serine racemase Converts l-serine to d-serine, a co-agonist of NMDA receptors. Mouse SRR knockouts demonstrate NMDA hypofunction
DRD2 GWAS Dopamine receptors DRD2 is the main site of antipsychotic action
SLC38A7 GWAS Glutamine transporter May be involved in glutamate recycling in the synaptic cleft
PLCH2 GWAS Intracellular calcium receptor Involved in calcium signalling during neural development
NRXN1 Deletion, rare mutation Multiple splice variants yield neurexins – cell-cell adhesion molecules Involved in the formation, stabilisation and remodelling of both glutamatergic and glycinergic synapses together with NLGN.
MEF2C GWAS Transcription factor Allosteric modulator of the NMDA receptor
CNNM2 GWAS Cyclin M2 Important in renal regulation of magnesium
VIPR2 Duplication G-protein-coupled VIPR receptor VIP known to regulate NMDA receptor activity in the hippocampus.

Genes with weaker evidence of linkage to schizophrenia
NRG1 Association NRG1-ErbB4 signalling pathway causes reduction of NMDA currents and long-term plasticity via phosphorylation of NR2B subunit.
ErbB4 Association
G72 Association d-amino acid oxidase activator G72 activates DAOA, which in turn degrades d-serine, a potent co-agonist at the glycine site of the NMDA receptor.
DAAO Association d-amino acid oxidase
DISC1 Association, linkage Disrupted in schizophrenia-1 Post-synaptic density protein involved in synaptic spine formation, NMDAR trafficking and presynaptic glutamate release. Also stabilises serine racemase.
DTNBP1 Association, linkage Dysbindin Post-synaptic density protein which controls NMDAR expression, NMDA-mediated glutamate currents and glutamate release.
COMT Linkage, deletion Catechol-O-methyltransferase Degrades dopamine and noradrenaline
CHRNA7 Association, linkage Acetylcholine receptor
GRM5 Rare mutation Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) Physically coupled to NMDAR at the post-synaptic density; co-activation potentiates NMDA currents
PPEF2 Rare mutation Calmodulin-binding phosphatase Influences the levels of mGluR5
LRPB1 Rare mutation LDL-like receptor Competes for NMDA binding site on PSD-95 structural protein
LRP1 Rare mutation LDL-like receptor Competes for NMDA binding site on PSD-95 structural protein
PRODH Linkage, deletion, rare mutation Proline dehydrogynase NMDA receptor agonist at the glutamate binding site