Disparity between USDA loss-adjusted food availability (LAFA) and Institute of
Medicine (IOM) estimated total daily energy expenditure (TEE) in kcal/d by
NHANES survey wave, assuming a population-level decrease in PA from 1971-2010.
Nonzero values indicate misestimation. TEE L-ACT was used for NHANES I &
II, and TEE SED was used from NHANES III to 2009-2010. USDA LAFA, United States
Department of Agriculture loss-adjusted food availability data; IOM, Institute
of Medicine; TEE, estimated total daily energy expenditure; NHANES, National
Health and Examination Survey; SED, “sedentary” PA value used in
IOM TEE equation; L-ACT, “low-active” PA value used in IOM TEE