Fig. 7. GPR83 and GPR171 are colocalized in the PVN and close enough to interact.
(A) PLA to determine the interaction of GPR83 and GPR171 in CHO cells coexpressing mGPR83 and mGPR171. (B) Quantification of the PLA signal, n = 30 cells. (C) Coronal section stained for GPR83 (green) in the PVN. (D) Immunohistochemical localization using the antibody recognizing GPR83 (green) and the antibody recognizing GPR171 (red) to determine colocalization of GPR83 and GPR171 in the PVN. Magnification, ×10. (E) Quantification of 63× images from the PVN shown as a pie chart. n = 50 cells per field (two fields per mice) from three independent animals. (F) PLA to determine the interaction of GPR83 and GPR171 in the PVN; 40× image. (G) A ×63 magnification of (F). (H) A zoomed-in image of (F) showing PLA signal in a single cell. (I) Quantification of data in (G). n = 50 cells per field (two fields per mice) from three independent animals. (J) The effect of knockdown of GPR83 (GPR83 knockout) on bigLEN-mediated adenylate cyclase activity. Data represent means ± SE (n = 3 independent animals). **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 [one-way ANOVA for (B); for details of statistical analysis, see table S1].