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. 2004 Sep;48(9):3226–3232. doi: 10.1128/AAC.48.9.3226-3232.2004


Summary of the models used to examine the influence of patient covariates on indinavir oral CL and oral V

Hypothesisa Modela Parameter
θa θb θc θd
Demographic characteristics
Does BW influence CL? θa · (1 + θb · BW) 20.1 0.4 −72.1
    V? 73.0 <0.1 −0.0
Does HT influence CL? θa · (1 + θb · HT) 19.3 0.3 −23.9
    V? 73.0 <0.1 −0.0
Does age influence CL? θa · (1 − θb · age) 16.4 0.4 −0.7
    V? 73.0 <0.1 −0.0
Does sex influence CL? (male: sex = 1) θa · (1 + θb · sex) 12.2 0.6 −39.3
    V? 73.1 <0.1 −0.0
Does ethnicity influence CL?
    Black (q = 0) vs not Black (q = 1) θa · (1 − q) + θb · q 16.5 14.7 −0.7
    Caucasian (q = 0) vs non-Caucasian (q = 1) 13.6 16.5 −1.4
    Asian (q = 0) vs non-Asian (q = 1) 11.6 16.3 −0.7
    Hispanic (q = 0) vs non-Hispanic (q = 1) 21.6 16.2 −1.0
Concomitant HIV medications on CL
PIs (ritonavir) (PIs = 1 if present) CL = θa · (1 + θb · ritonavir) 39.1 −0.7 −280.4
RTIs (RTI = 1 if present)
    Efavirenz CL = θa · (1 + θb · RTI) 16.3 <0.1 −0.1
    3TC, AZT, stavudine, didanosine, abacavir 16.2 <0.1 −0.0
Other concomitant medications on CL
CYP3A4 inducersc (inducer = 1 if present) CL = θa · (1 + θb · inducer) 16.9 0.2 −0.5
CYP3A4 inhibitors (inhibitor = 1 if present) CL = θa · (1 − θb · inhibitor) 16.0 <0.1 −0.0
Virological and immunologic factors on CL
Viral load (≤400 copies/mm3 = 1) CL = θa · (1 + θb · viral load) 15.7 0.1 −2.6
CD4 count (≥200 cells/mm3 = 1) CL = θa · (1 + θb · CD4 count) 15.7 0.1 −2.6
Association of significant covariates on CL
Ritonavir + BW CL = θa · (1 + θb · ritonavir) · (1 + θc · BW) 39.5 −0.63 0.3 −313.6
Ritonavir + BW + sex CL = θa · (1 + θb · ritonavir) · (1 + θc · BW) · (1 + θd · sex) 32.4 −0.63 0.16 0.30 −344.1

BW, body weight; HT, height; RTIs, reverse transcriptase inhibitors; AZT, zidovudine; 3TC, lamivudine. BW, height, and age are expressed as the relative deviation of individual measurements from the population mean.


ΔOF, difference in the NONMEM OF compared to the basic structural model, including no covariates; estimates of CL = 16.3 liters; V = 73 liters; Ka = 0.95 h−1; and F = 1.


Inducers included efavirenz.