Fig 1. Box-and-whisker plots of routine immunization coverage by vaccination card and recall, across 40 local government areas (LGAs)–Northern Nigeria, 2014–2015.
Estimates of vaccine coverage do not include OPV or measles doses given during supplemental immunization activities. Complete vaccination coverage is defined as receiving eight antigens [Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), Oral Poliovirus (OPV) 1/2/3, Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) 1/2/3, and measles). For boxplot interpretation: the dark line is the median; “hinges” are the top and bottom of the box. The upper and lower "hinges" correspond to the first and third quartiles (25th and 75th percentiles). The upper and lower whiskers represent +/- 1.5 * IQR, where IQR is the inter-quartile range, or distance between the first and third quartiles. Data beyond the end of the whiskers are outliers and plotted as points (as specified by Tukey).