Analysis pipeline for correlating respiratory and LFP time series. (1) First, the respiratory data were synchronized with the LFP data, after being low-pass filtered at <0.6 Hz. (2) Data were then epoched into 6 s trials, aligned to inspiratory peak flow at time = 2 s, and extended from 2 to 4 s after inspiratory peaks. (Note, individual 6 s trials generally spanned more than one breath, and often included LFP data from the trial-aligned breath as well as partial data corresponding to the next breath). (3) Next, the inspiratory peak-aligned LFP trials were averaged to generate a mean 6 s waveform, and (4) the temporal correlation was computed between LFP and respiratory signals. (5) Finally, a null distribution was generated for statistical testing by creating LFP trials aligned randomly according to the respiratory data.