Figure 4.
Tomosyn and Cdk5 share a common signaling pathway regulating the TRP. A, Comparison of representative vGpH responses assessing the TRP in control (black), sh-Tomo1 (blue), or Cdk5 dominant-negative mutant (Cdk5 [DN], magenta) expressing neurons and measured in the absence (left) or presence (right) of Rosco (100 μm, 30 min pretreatment). B, Averaged TRP across expression conditions ± Rosco. Bottom dashed line indicates mean TRP to Tomo1 overexpression (Fig. 2C). C, Cumulative frequency distributions comparing TRP for bouton ensembles of each condition. Dashed distributions represent treatments (color-matched) with Rosco. sh-Tomo1 and Cdk5 DN expression significantly enhanced the TRP compared with control, with no further increase upon Rosco treatment. D, Averaged TRP depletion kinetics from same data shown in B. B, n = number of cells. C, n = number of boutons without, and with, Rosco treatment. *p < 0.05.