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. 2016 Nov 18;5:e19295. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19295

Author response image 1. Reproducibility of the SBC output also improves across cells, if these are well matched in their CF and stimulus.

Author response image 1.

Top/right: Cross-correlograms between ANF input (orange) and SBC output (blue) across pairs of cells (columns and rows enumerate the cells, diagonal is the same cell (gray background), for comparison). Our sample contained 9 cells (one group of 3, and one of 6 cells), which were stimulated with the identical RGS stimulus, giving a total of 18 across pairs. One of the cells did not show an improvement in reproducibility (with itself) and correspondingly did also not show an improvement with other cells (blue background). Since the reviewers asked about improvements in reproducibility, this cell is excluded from the population analysis below. Bottom left: Reproducibility between ANF input and SBC output within (purple) and between (black) cells. Reproducibility also increased between different cells with similar tuning properties (dots above line of equality). Bottom middle: Population data indicate a significant increase in reproducibility of the SBC output compared to the ANF input between cells (p<0.001, n=14, Wilcoxon signed rank test.