Overall, SFM testing revealed improved temporal precision and across-trial reproducibility across the ANF-SBC synapse. (A) The upper panel (black) shows the SFM stimulus with a detail enlargement visualizing the dynamic frequency modulation. The dot-raster plot (lower panel) shows the activity of a representative SBC (CF = 1.8 kHz) to 200 stimulus repetitions with a differentiation between EPSPsucc (blue) and EPSPfail (gray). (B) Histogram of the discharge activity shown in A. Upper panel: blue = EPSPsucc, gray = EPSPfail, orange = ANF input, i.e. EPSPsucc+EPSPfail. Lower panel: The EPSPfail is also locked to the SFM but showed reduced fine structure compared to the ANF input. (C) Period histograms for the same cell as in A and B at different modulation frequencies (orange = ANF input, blue = SBC output). Design of the graph is identical to Figure 5C. Note the multiple peaks of the response in the period histogram. (D) Population data for 19 cells: Across all frequencies tested, the SBC output shows increased vector strength (left; p<0.001, two-way RM ANOVA), higher modulation depths (mid left; p<0.001, two-way RM ANOVA), and better across-trial reproducibility (mid right; p<0.001, two-way RM ANOVA) compared to its ANF input. The stimulus reproduction (CorrNorm) was consistently lower at the SBC level (right; p<0.001, two-way RM ANOVA). Markers indicate mean ± standard deviation.
Figure 6—source data 1. Metrics of temporal precision and reproducibility during SFM stimulation.Shown are the vector strength, modulation depth, reproducibility and CorrNorm values for each modulation frequency separately for ANF input and SBC output. (n = 19).