(A) and (B) Population average of PPC selectivity of all simultaneously recorded pairs of AIP and cPFC (left), cPFC and lPFC (middle), lPFC and AIP (right) electrodes along the task-relevant, Above/Below, dimension (A) and task-irrelevant, Right/Left, dimension (B). (C) and (D) PPC selectivity of intrinsic pairs of electrodes within AIP (left), cPFC (middle) and lPFC (right) along the Above/Below (C) and Right/Left (D) dimensions. In all panels, contours identify regions of time-frequency space with statistically significant population selectivity. Similar time-frequency dependent patterns were seen in the percent of sites with significantly selective synchrony (see Figure 4—figure supplement 1). The time-frequency dynamics of PPC were similar for both the Above and Below categories (see Figure 4—figure supplement 2).