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. 2016 Oct;45(10):1261–1269.

Table 4:

Association between social support and patients’ clinical characteristics

Support from Significant Others Median (25°–75°) P-Value Family Median (25°–75°) P-value Friends Median (25°–75°) P-value
Years from first hemodialysis
   <6 6.375 (5.5–7)* <0,001 6.25 (5.5–7)* <0,001 5 (4–6)* 0,001
   6–10 5.25 (4.25–6.25) 5.5 (4.5–6.5) 4.5 (4–5.5)
   >10 5.75 (4.75–7) 6 (4–6.75) 4 (4–5)
Informed of the state of their health
   Very 6.875 (6–7)** <0,001 6.75 (5.85–7)** <0,001 4.25 (3.625–6) 0,114
   Enough 5.625 (4.5–6.5) 5.875 (4.5–6.5) 4.75 (4–5.75)
   Less/Not at all 5.375 (3.75–7) 5.875 (4.125–7) 4.25 (3.375–5)
Followed the therapeutic doctor’s orders
   Very 7 (6–7)** <0,001 6.875 (6–7) <0,001 4 (3.5–5.75) 0,008
   Enough 5.75 (5–6.5) 6 (5–6.75) 5 (4–6) **
   Less/not at all 5 (4–6) 4.75 (4–6) ** 4 (3.75–5)
Followed properly the proposed diet
   Very 6.625 (5.25–7) <0,001 6.5 (5.5–7) <0,001 4.5 (3.75–6) 0,972
   Enough 6 (5–7) 6.25 (5–7) 4.5 (4–5.75)
   Less/not at all 5.25 (4–6) ** 5.5 (4.25–6.25) ** 4.5 (4–5.25)
   Fistula 6 (5–7) 0,014 6.25 (5.25–7) ** 0,014 5 (4–6) 0,267
   Graft 5.25 (4.25–6.75) ** 5.25 (4.25–7) 4.25 (4–5.5)
   Central Line Catheter 6 (4.25–6.75) 5.75 (4.5–6.75) 4.25 (3.75–5.25)
Conceal problem
   Yes 4.25 (3.75–6.25) <0,001 4.75 (3.75–6) <0,001 4 (3.75–5.25) 0,017
   No 6 (5–7) 6.25 (5.25–7) 4.75 (4–6)
Life depends on the dialysis machine
   Very 6.75 (5–7) ** <0,001 6.5 (5–7) <0,001 4.25 (3.5–5) 0,009
   Enough 5.75 (4.75–6.25) 6 (4.75–6.5) ** 5 (4–6) **
   Less/not at all 5.25 (4.25–6.5) 5.25 (4–6.375) ** 4.75 (4–5.25)

Statistically significant different score from second category, after bonferonni correction


Statistically significant different score from all other categories, after bonferonni correction