Overlapping Allocation of Sequences of Memories
(A) Percentage of common coding neurons between 10 memories encoded sequentially separated by 1 hr. Top: enhanced excitability. Bottom: static excitability. Left: somatic PRPs. Right: local PRPs.
(B) Average percentage of neuronal overlaps as a function of temporal proximity (distance in hours) between the memories (i.e., average of the diagonals in [A]). Left: all four combinations of enhanced/static excitability and somatic/local PRPs for ISI = 1 hr. Middle: neuronal overlaps for ISI = 5 hr. Right: neuronal overlaps for ISI = 24 hr between memories.
(C) Average percentage of branches containing clusters of both memories (co-clustering) as a function of temporal proximity (distance in hours) between the memories (A). Left: all four combinations of enhanced/static excitability and somatic/local PRPs for ISI = 1 hr between memories. Middle: co-clustering for ISI = 5 hr between memories. Right: co-clustering for ISI = 24 hr between memories.
Graphs show average ± SEM of 10 trials.