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. 2013 Apr 4;2:10. doi: 10.1186/2194-0517-2-10

Table 2.

Analysis of variance of responses

Source SS DF MS F value p value
Model 9,493.77 4 2,373.44 144.36 <0.0001 Significant
A (polymer concentration) 8,665.86 1 8,665.86 527.10 <0.0001
B (CaCl2 concentration) 672.71 1 672.71 40.92 <0.0001
A2 72.27 1 72.27 4.40 0.0477
B2 82.93 1 82.93 5.04 0.0351
Residual 361.69 22 16.44
Lack of fit 43.67 4 10.92 0.62 0.6554 Not significant
Pure error 318.02 18 17.67
Total 9,855.46 26

This analysis of responses is in terms of total drug that remained in the beads (before exposure to the simulated colonic tract fluid) SS, sum of squares; DF, degree of freedom; MS, mean square; F value, factor effect value; p value, probability value.