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. 2016 Jul;13(7):1089–1095. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201511-774OC

Table 2.

Intrasubject reliability for maximal expiratory flow–volume curve concavity scores

Curve Set All Respondents Experience
<5 yr 5–10 yr >10 yr
A −0.1868 (–0.5508, 0.1773) −0.2944 (–0.4334, 1.0223) 0.0905 (–0.4842, 0.6651) −0.1592 (–0.8377, 0.5194)
B 0.0494 (–0.3788, 0.4777) −0.1333 (–0.753, 1.020) 0.1688 (–0.2227, 0.5602) −0.4250 (–0.9795, 0.1295)
C −0.2353 (–0.5941, 0.1236) −0.333 (–1.203, 0.5367) −0.4143 (–1.0942, 0.2657) −0.1286 (–0.6411, 0.384)

Numbers shown represent intrasubject test–retest bias (and 95% confidence interval) for each of three duplicated curve sets, for all respondents and stratified by experience level. Bias was nonsignificant (confidence intervals include 0) for all curves and subgroups.