Figure 6.
NO-induced cGMP response in HEK-GC/PDE5 cells overexpressing PKG. (A) cGMP was determined after stimulation of the cells with GSNO (100 μM) at the indicated time points. In each experiment, data were normalized to the maximal cGMP value measured in the mock-transfected cells. The cGMP response was clearly blunted in cells expressing PKG. (B) Western blot detection of PKG and phosphorylated PDE5 after NO stimulation (100 μM GSNO) of mock-transfected (left) and PKG-transfected HEK-GC/PDE5 cells (right). Expression of PDE5, α1 and β1 subunits of NO-sensitive GC also is depicted; GAPDH is shown as control for equal loading of the lanes.