Figure 6.
Lipid ordering in POPC:POPG SLBs observed using DPH in presence of αS. WT-αS and other truncated variants were added to 1 mol% DPH containing POPC:POPG SLBs at a lipid to protein ratio of 1. Control images (no protein added) do not show any regions with enhanced fluorescence. After addition of αS to SLBs, enhanced fluorescence is observed in the lipid channel below regions of αS clusters (white arrows in lipid channel) for all αS constructs except Δ71-82-αS. All experiments were carried out in 50 mM HEPES buffer, 0.1 mM EDTA (pH 7.4) at room temperature. The scale bar is 10 μm. To see this figure in color, go online.