Figure 3. Systemic response to IP CAR-Ts.
The systemic anti-tumor effect of regionally delivered IP CAR-Ts was tested by injecting mice with MC38CEA-luc both IP and subcutaneously in the left flank. IP tumor burden and flank tumor sizes were measured for 14 days in untreated (UN), TV CAR-T and IP CAR-T groups. Bars are representative of 4 mice per group. (A). On day 14, left inguinal lymph nodes, flank tumors, and whole blood were harvested to determine if CAR-Ts were present at these sites. Fully stained, untreated controls are shown in insets next to the dot plots (B). Error bars are representative of SEM values. P values were calculated using Student’s t test. Bioluminescence is expressed as photons per second. (C) Serum IFNγ concentrations were determined on days 4 and 7 to detect systemic immune activity in response to IP CAR-T infusions.