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. 2016 Sep 28;12:1022–1034. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2016.09.001

Table 3.

Results of linear meta-regression of VBA studies of illness duration vs HCs.

Peak region Change of FA x y z Z p Voxels
Superior longitudinal fasciculus + − 30 − 48 50 1.43 0.0001 138
Corticospinal tract + 18 − 26 64 1.33 0.0003 134
Forceps minor + − 20 54 18 1.42 0.0002 128
Forceps major + − 4 − 80 22 1.45 0.0001 99
Anterior thalamic radiation + − 14 18 8 1.15 0.0012 109
Forceps major + 24 − 80 30 1.26 0.0006 92
Corticospinal tract + 6 − 46 64 1.45 < 0.0001 75
Forceps major + − 34 − 80 30 1.25 0.0007 82
Forceps major + 4 − 80 24 1.32 0.0004 59
Superior corona radiata − 20 − 10 50 − 2.06 0.0001 285
Uncinate fasciculus − 24 34 − 8 − 1.26 0.0021 113
Inferior frontooccipital fasciculus − 32 − 30 14 − 1.30 0.0018 72
Cingulum − 8 12 36 − 1.48 0.0010 66
Superior longitudinal fasciculus − 48 − 40 40 − 1.30 0.0018 53
Cingulum 8 18 36 − 1.20 0.0025 35
Forceps major − 18 − 80 4 − 1.10 0.0035 17

Note. FA is increased or decreased with longer illness duration.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure