Table 1.
Dimension | Interrater reliabilitya | Scale |
Assertive behavior factor (α = .78; M = 1.84, SD = 0.54)b,c | ||
General assertiveness level | .70 | 1 (Not at all assertive) to 5 (Highly assertive) |
Communicated opinions openly | .72 | 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree) |
Directly addressed arguments | .69 | 1 (Avoids) to 5 (Directly addresses) |
Let RPP dictate conversation | .63 | 1 (Most of the time) to 5 (Hardly at all) |
Validated RPP’s statements | .64 | Count on occurrence (range: 0–5) |
Aggressive behavior factor (α = .77; M = 1.18, SD = 0.49)c | ||
General verbal aggressiveness | .71 | 1 (Not at all) to 5 (Very verbally aggressive) |
Hostile verbal behaviors | .84 | Count on occurrence (range: 0–17) |
Used threat to convince RPP | .75 | 1 (Never), 2 (1–2 times), 3 (>2 times) |
Nonverbal hostility or disgust | .71 | Count on occurrence (range: 0–37) |
Defensive voice | .67 | 1 (Not often/not at all) to 5 (Consistently) |
Talk over partner (α = .76, M = 1.95, SD = 0.74)c | ||
Talked over RPP | .73 | 0 (Never), 1(A few times), 2 (3 or more) |
Interrupted RPP | .69 | 1 (Never), 2 (A few times), 3 (3 or more) |
Note. RPP = role-play partner.
Intraclass correlation coefficient (Model: One-way random).
Cronbach’s alpha.
The factors were created by first multiplying each item by its respective factor loading and, second, summing the resulting five items creating an assertiveness factor and summing five items creating an aggression factor. Assertiveness was not related to aggression (r = −.002) and modestly related to the talking over factor (r = .18, p < .05). Aggression was also modestly correlated to the talking over factor (r = .34, p = .01).