Fig 4. Relative abundances of LHY FS and AS transcripts during temperature changes.
WT plants were assessed using HR RT-PCR primers spanning (a) the 5’ UTR region, (b) the MYB-encoding region and (c) the C-terminal coding region. Error bars are SEM of three biological replicates. In (a), the IRs fraction is made up of multiple transcripts containing intron retention: I2R & I3R, I3R & Alt3’ss I1, I3R, I1R & I2R, I1R, and I2R. The levels of total transcripts at the different time-points are shown by the height of the histogram bars relative to the 20°C value (100%). The relative amounts of AS variant transcripts are illustrated as a proportion of these totals. Relative expression values of abundant AS events are shown in the tables below the histograms with significantly different AS/FS ratio compared to 20°C data shown with an asterisk (P < 0.01). FS—fully spliced; InR—intron retention of intron n.