Fig 8.0. Clearance of damaged mitochondria by Parkin results in decreased ROS levels in lens epithelial cells exposed to H2O2-oxidative stress.
A. Ethidium bromide stained agarose gels showing Parkin transcript levels and control GAPDH transcript levels in 200 ng RNA isolated from SRA 01/04 lens epithelial cells stably overexpressing GFP2 (control), YFP-wt-Parkin or YFP-C431N Parkin. B. Immunoblot analysis of Parkin protein levels in 15 μg of total protein extract isolated from SRA 01/04 lens epithelial cells stably overexpressing GFP2 (control), YFP-wt-Parkin or YFP-C431N Parkin. Immunoblot for GAPDH is shown as a control for equal protein loading. C. SRA 01/04 lens epithelial cells stably overexpressing either YFP-wt-Parkin or YFP-C431N Parkin were treated with 200 μM or 300 μM H2O2 for 24 h and stained for ROS production using the superoxide specific dye DHE. Images were obtained using live cell fluorescent confocal microscope.