Figure 2. Morphological discrimination of anti-Siglec-8/IL-5-induced cell death and ETosis.
Cells were incubated with IL-5 (A, E), anti-Siglec-8/IL-5 (B, F), A23187 (C, G) or A23187 in the presence of catalase (D, H) in normal media (A–D) or FBS (−) media (E–D). Note that FBS(−) media, which should enhance ecROS, did not invoke ETosis after anti-Siglec-8/IL-5 stimulation, contrary to A23187 treated cells, suggesting irrelevance of ecROS to anti-Siglec-8/IL-5 induced cell death. IL-5 only or A23187/Cat treated cells are shown as controls (representative of 2 experiments).