Model A: Yi = a0 + azZi. Model B: Yi = b0 + bLLi. Model C: Yi = c0 + cLLi + czZi. Learning performance score Yi is average of working memory, episodic memory, vocabulary, and reading exams. Each exam score was scaled to zero mean and unit variance after controlling for age, sex, household income, parents’ education, and first two PCs of genotype. Indicator Li=1 for positive LP diagnosis and Li=0 otherwise. NS-LP score
for v = 0.01. (a) F-test for respective models; degrees of freedom (df) are 1 and 477 for Models A and B, and df are 2 and 476 for Model C. (b) F-test for respective coefficients with 1 and 477 df’s. (c) Model C’s fit is 44% better than Model B as determined by percentage increase in adjusted R2.