Figure 5.
moDCs from Rab43Δ/Δ mice show no defect in cross-presentation. (A) Western analysis of RAB43 and β-actin in CD8α+ and CD8α− cDCs compared with moDCs cultured for 4 d with either GM-CSF alone (GM) or GM-CSF + IL-4 (GM/4). Data are representative of at least two experiments. The scale indicates molecular weight in kD. (B) GM-CSF + IL-4–cultured moDCs from WT (black) or Rab43Δ/Δ (red) 129 monocytes were cultured with the indicated numbers of PBS (OVA−)- or OVA (OVA+)-loaded irradiated MHCI TKO splenocytes and OT-I T cells. After 3 d, cultures were assayed for OT-I proliferation and activation (CFSE−CD44+). (C) Sorted CD8α+ and CD8α− DCs and in vitro generated moDC GM-CSF + IL-4 from WT (black) or Rab43Δ/Δ (red) B6 mice were cultured for 3 d with CFSE-labeled OT-I T cells and different doses of HKLM-OVA and assayed for OT-I proliferation and activation (CFSE−CD44+). Cross-presentation data are displayed as mean ± SEM from at least three independent experiments.