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. 2016 Dec 8;7:13634. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13634

Table 1. NMR constrains and refinement statistics.

NOE restrains (total) 1,349
Intra-residue 541
Inter-residue 808
Sequential 353
Non-sequential 455
 Medium range 241
 Long range 214
Hydrogen bonds 36
Torsion angle restraints (total) 198
 ϕ 99
 ψ 99
Total restraints per residue 13
Total restraints per residue in structured residues* 16
Structure calculation statistics
 Distance constraints (Å) 0.0288±0.0024
 Dihedral angle constrains (°) 0.2968±0.0453
 Max. dihedral angle violations (°) 0.5
 Max. distance constraint violation (Å) 5
Average pairwise RMSD (Å) for all atoms
 Heavy atoms (Å) 2.62±0.44
 Backbone atoms (Å) 1.89±0.45
Average pairwise RMSD (Å) for atoms in structured residues*
 Heavy atoms (Å) 1.49±0.12
 Backbone atoms (Å) 0.87±0.14
Ramachandran analysis
 Most favoured regions 93.1%
 Additional allowed regions 6.3%
 Generously allowed regions 0.5%
 Disallowed regions 0.2%

*Structured Residues were considered the amino acids forming α-helices; K7-G30, A43-K65, G70-F87, D94-F111, I116- L119, a total of 87 amino acids from 122. NMR, muclear magnetic resonance; RMSD, root mean square deviation.