DCL4NLS Produces a Unique Set of siRNAs in Siliques.
(A) Flowchart of sequence analysis pipeline for library size-normalized 20- to 21-nucleotide sRNA reads, uncovering a population of candidate loci that produce sRNAs made by DCL4NLS. Loci with adjusted P value < 0.05 were considered as candidates.
(B) Heat map showing log(e)-fold differential accumulation of 20- to 21-nucleotide siRNAs in different pairwise library comparisons for a selection of loci.
(C) RNA gel blot detection of siRNAs in siliques of Col (wild type), dcl4 mutant plants, and dcl4 mutants expressing ProUbq10:DCL4NLS-GFP or ProUbq10:DCL4∆-GFP, revealing 24-nucleotide species and 21-nucleotide disiRNAs produced by DCL4NLS (arrow); analysis performed by stripping and reprobing the same membrane.