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. 2014 Oct 31;11(9):1180–1188. doi: 10.4161/rna.36281

Table 2.

Predicated conserved RNA-binding motifs in selectively methylated genes (SMGs)

  Callus Leaf
Common methylated genes (peaks) 6,185 (11,927|19,215)  
Selective methylated genes (peaks) 626(1,045) 5,509 (11,820)
Peaks for motif findinga 1,001 1,680 (ratio ≥ 16)
De-novo conserved motif predictionb (by MEME) RAGRAG (E-value: 2.8e-075) (252 sites) UGUAMM (E-value:8.6e-012) (580 sites)
Compared to known RBP motifsc (by TOMTOM) (RAGRAG) (UGUAMM)
P-value 7.32e-04 3.05e-05
E-value 0.178 7.44e-03
q-value 0.271 0.014

Note: aThe m6A modification peaks located in intronic regions are filtered out both in callus and leaf, and we choose top 1,680 peaks in leaf depending on the enrichment values; bThe predicted conserved motifs are showed in IUPAC type; cMotifs in the bottom panel are those we found using MEME, and the top panel (RNCMPT00060 represents PUM; RNCMPT00104 represents RNP4F) are those RBP motifs recorded in cisBP-RNA database (