Fig. 3.
Otx2 targets are required for directional cell movements into the lens placode. (A,B) Automatic tracks of PPR cells sorted into placodal (green) or non-placodal (red) cells based on their final position and overlaid onto the final frame of the movie (A). (B) Cell displacements; arrows indicate the displacement of cells from their initial to their final positions. (C) Track of a single cell that enters the lens (green) or remains outside (red). (D,E) Summary diagrams of all tracked cells from Fig. 2. To compare the directionality of cells, tracks were translated so that each starts at a common origin. Displacement away from this origin is then plotted as pixel number distance from the centre point (−100 to +100 in each direction). (F,G) Mean velocity (F; P=0.11) and persistence (G; P=4.8×10−10) of lens and non-lens cells. (H,I) Cell tracks from PPR grafts containing Otx2-EnR-GR in the absence (H) and presence (I) of DEX. (J,K) Mean velocity (J; 1.29×10−13) and persistence (K; P=3.44×10−11) of cells in the absence or presence of DEX. n=number of cells tracked from three independent movies. Error bars:±one standard deviation either side of the mean.