Figure 2.
Extracted ion chromatograms of metabolites formed from incubations with human liver microsomes and analogues 1–4 and UV chromatogram from incubations with analogue 5. Metabolites were named in order of elution beginning with M1: 1-M1 at 5.85 min using 332>234 (A.i), metabolite 1-M2 at 7.10 min using 332>220 (A.ii), metabolite 2-M1 and -M2 at 5.42 and 5.65 min, respectively, using 331>265 (A.iii), metabolite 3-M1 at 5.65 min using 333>248 (A.iv), Metabolites 4-M1 and -M2 at 6.01 and 6.42 min, respectively, using 330>288 (A.v), and metabolite 5-M1 at 11.41 min (B). Analogue 5 appears in B at 12.13 min. Peaks shown in the chromatograms that are not labeled as metabolites appeared in the absence of NADPH and/or the absence of parent compound.