Table 2.
Abbreviations, significance, units and extreme values of the different traits (one value per species was estimated for each trait)
Parameter abbreviation | Significance | Unit | Range |
Dmin | Minimal diameter (quantile 2 %) | mm | 0·044–0·45 |
Dmax | Maximal diameter (quantile 100 %) | mm | 0·24–2·6 |
Drange | Relative diameter range 2·0 × (Dmax − Dmin)/(Dmax + Dmin) | — | 0·89–1·9 |
IBD | Interbranch distance on the thick roots (with a diameter above the middle value) | mm | 0·51–7·0 |
DlDm | Slope of the regression of lateral diameter vs. mother diameter [regression passing through the point (Dmin,Dmin)] | — | 0·062–0·39 |
VarD | Coefficient of variation of the diameter of laterals | — | 0·099–0·41 |