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. 2016 Dec;93(Pt A):40–52. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.09.012

Table 3.

Brain activation for the high control>low control contrast during the baseline scan and after TMS was applied to OP and LIFG.

Activation peak x y z Z Voxel
Baseline high>low control
 L IFG (tri; BA 45) −52 24 20 5.86 511
 L SMA (BA 6) −4 16 56 4.22 90
 R IFG (orb; BA 47) 36 28 −8 4.27 54
 R Cerebellum 12 −80 −32 3.58 29
 R IFG (tri) 44 24 24 3.49 21
 R SMA 12 12 48 2.99 5
 L MTG (BA 21) −52 −40 0 3.02 4
 R Cerebellum 20 −80 −48 2.72 2

OP high>low control
 L IFG (orb) −48 44 −8 4.80 355
 L SMA (BA 6) −4 20 60 4.15 76
 R Cerebellum 20 −80 −32 3.36 29
 L MTG (BA 21) −52 −40 −4 3.59 18
 R IFG (orb) 28 32 −4 3.21 5
 R IFG (tri; BA 45) 48 24 12 2.80 2

IFG high>low control
 L IFG (tri; BA 45) −52 28 12 6.06 807
 R Cerebellum 16 −84 −32 5.44 326
 R Insula 32 24 −4 5.39 254
 L SMA (BA 6) −4 20 56 6.10 243
 L MTG (BA 21) −56 −48 4 3.73 96
 L Thalamus −4 −24 −4 3.99 95
 L FFG (BA 37) −28 −40 −20 3.93 54
 L IOG −27 −92 −8 3.23 22
 R IOG 40 −92 −4 2.97 4
 R Midbrain 20 −24 −8 3.06 3
 L Postcentral gyrus (BA 4) −52 −12 44 2.74 2
 L Pallidum −12 4 −4 2.78 2

Note: L=left, R=right, FFG=fusiform gyrus, IFG=inferior frontal gyrus, op=pars opercularis, tri=pars triangularis, orb=pars orbitalis, IOG=inferior occipital gyrus, mCC=middle cingulate gyrus, MTG=middle temporal gyrus, SMA=supplementary motor area. Co-ordinates in MNI space.