Figure 5.
Transient expression in HEK293 cells and small-scale purification of wild-type and mutated TBL1X. A, SDS-PAGE of the purification of the isolated wild-type TBL1X and mutant WD40 domains. B, SDS-PAGE of the purification of the wild-type and mutant TBL1X-HDAC3-GPS2-SMRT chimera complex. C, Transient expression in HEK293 cells and small-scale purification of wild-type and mutated full-length TBL1X. SDS-PAGE of the purification of the TBL1X, R is the resin, T is the TEV-eluted protein, and P is the peptide-eluted protein. D, CD spectra from 250 to 200 nm at 20°C of wild-type, A366T, and Y458C TBL1X WD40 domains. E, Melting curves at 215 nm from 10°C to 90°C of wild-type, A366T, and Y458C TBL1X WD40 domains.