(A, B) Epifluoroscent images showing expression of MSK1S360ph and DAPI (inset) in pancreatic sections from DMSO and SB-747541A treated explants at E15.5, cultured 4 days. DAPI stained images (inset) were pseudo-colored white to enhance contrast. n≥5 pancreata for each staining. Scale bar = 12.5 μm. (C-F) Expression of the indicated proteins in pancreatic sections from E15.5 stage (C, D) and (E, F) adult islets. Arrows in panel C indicate co-expression of MSK1S360ph with Ins1/2 (red), arrowheads indicate coexpression of MSK1S360ph with Neurog3 (blue). Arrows in panel E show high expression of MSK1S360ph at the exterior edge of the islet, possibly alpha cells. n≥5 pancreata for each staining, Scale bar for panel C = 12.5μm and for panel D-F = 50μm. (G, H) Western Blot for H3S28ph and H3S10ph in DMSO and SB-747541A treated explants, vinculin is the loading control, n = 2 biological replicates. (I, J) Quantification of the blots corresponding to panels G and H from two biological replicates.