Table 3.
Comparing the effects of intervention characteristics on adherence and blood pressure
Effect on Adherencea | Effect on Blood Pressureb |
Larger effect • Longer vs shorter time frame (P<.001) • More vs fewer intervention components (P<.001) • Behavioral vs informational53 • Delivered to patients (d = 0.316) vs health care providers (d = 0.107) (P = .030) No difference in effect • Target adherence exclusively (d = 0.318) vs address additional health behaviors (d = 0.292) (P = .768) • Delivered in ambulatory care settings (d = 0.272) vs other setting (d = 0.282) (P = .938) • Delivered in pharmacies (d = 0.432) vs other locations (d = 0.290) (P = .405) • Face-to-face (d = 0.319) vs mediated de- livery (d = 0.259) (P = .400) • Theory-based (d = 0.335) vs not theory- based (d = 0.284) (P = .554) • Larger intervention dose (i.e., no relation- ship between total minutes of intervention and effect size) (P = .534) |
Larger effect Systolic blood pressure • Larger intervention dose (P = .021) • Delivered in pharmacies (d = 0.360) vs other locations (d = 0.226) (P = .031) • Delivered to groups (d = 0.399) vs indi- viduals/families (d = 0.228) (P = .029) Diastolic blood pressure • Larger intervention dose (P = .027) • Face-to-face (d = 0.221) vs mediated delivery (d = 0.060) (P<.05) • Delivered in pharmacies (d = 0.356) vs other locations (d = 0.177) (P = .009) • Delivered to groups (d = 0.376) vs indi- viduals/families (d = 0.179) (P = .018) No difference in effect Systolic blood pressure • Presence vs absence of behavior change theory • Face-to-face (d = 0.256) vs mediated delivery (d = 0.179) (P>.05) • Target patients/families vs health care providers • Delivered in ambulatory care settings vs home/community centers Diastolic blood pressure • Presence vs absence of behavior change theory • Target patients/families vs health care providers • Delivered in ambulatory care settings vs home/community centers |