A, Restraint stress significantly decreased the time spent in the light side of the apparatus, whereas intra-AMY administration of pioglitazone reversed the anxiogenic-like effect of stress. B, No differences were detected in the number of entries into the light side of the arena. C, Schematic representation of intra-AMY sites of injection assessed by histological analysis. D, Restraint stress significantly decreased the time spent in the light side of the apparatus, whereas intra-HIPPocampal administration of pioglitazone did not reverse the anxiogenic-like effect of stress. E, No differences were detected in the number of entries into the light side of the arena. F, Schematic representation of intra-HIPP sites of injection assessed by histological analysis at the completion of the experiment. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n = 13–15 per group of intra-AMY injections; n = 11 per group of intra-HIPP injections). Difference between restraint stressed mice (S) and nonstressed (NS) controls: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Difference between vehicle and pioglitazone in stressed mice: #p < 0.05.