Fig. 3.
Heatmap showing the correlation between module eigengenes in a subset of miRNAs. The colored modules have been labeled with some features (see Table 1) as well as those that correlated with fusion gene positivity (P3/7-F). MiRNAs are indicated in black at the base and positive and negative correlations with modules indicated in red and blue, respectively. These were selected based on an absolute Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.4 and a p value < 0.001. MiRNAs highlighted above the heatmap are those positively associated with fusion gene positivity (blue), myoMiRs associated with muscle differentiation (yellow) and miRNAs linked to regulating the cell cycle (green) (see discussion for further details). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)