(A) Western blot of S2 cell protein extracts treated with antibodies against eIF4AIII (lane I), MAGO (lane II) and Y14 (lane III) proteins of 46, 17 and 19 kDa expected molecular weight, respectively. Asterisks in lanes 1 and 3 indicate bands of unexpected size, but possibly specific as their intensity is also reduced by RNAi of the target transcript, not shown. (B) Western blot showing that EJC antibodies, used in present study, specifically detect down-regulation of their antigen protein in its RNAi samples. (C) Western blot showing levels of Y14, MAGO and eIF4AIII in nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions of S2 cells. RNA Pol II is shown at the bottom (detected using 8WG16 antibody) as fractionation control; the two expected bands Pol IIo and Pol IIa are indicated. Asterisk indicates a nonspecific band detected in the cytoplasmic fraction. (D) Immunolocalization of eIF4AIII (I-III), Y14 (IV-VI) and MAGO (VII-IX) in whole mount salivary glands of wild-type third instar larvae. Chromosomes were counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar represents 50 µm length.