Figure 1. Peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis is essential for leading-edge (LE) migration.
(A) Morphological changes during spore formation. Peptidoglycan shown in grey, membrane in red. (1) Vegetative cell. (2) The first morphological step in sporulation is asymmetric cell division, producing a smaller forespore and a larger mother cell. (3) The septum curves and protrudes towards the mother cell. (4) The mother cell membrane migrates towards the forespore pole. The different modules contributing to membrane migration are shown in the inset (see Introduction for details). During engulfment, the septal PG is extended around the forespore (Tocheva et al., 2013). (5) Fully engulfed forespore surrounded by two membranes sandwiching a thin layer of PG. (B) Snapshots of engulfing sporangia from time-lapse movies in the absence of antibiotics, or in the presence of cephalexin or bacitracin. Cells were stained with fluorescent membrane dye FM 4–64 and imaged in medial focal plane. In the absence of antibiotics (top) the septum curves and grows towards the mother cell without significant forward movement of the engulfing membrane for ∼20 min. After that, the LE of the engulfing membrane starts migrating and reaches the forespore pole in ∼1 hr. When PG precursor delivery system is blocked with bacitracin (50 μg/ml): (I) LE migration is stopped or (II) engulfment proceeds asymmetrically. Similar results are obtained when cells are treated with cephalexin (50 μg/ml). However, in this case the asymmetric engulfment phenotype observed at later time points is due to rotation of the engulfment cup (C) rather than to asymmetric movement forward of the engulfing membrane (D). (E) FM 4–64 average kymograph of = 24 engulfing cells (see Materials and methods, Appendix 1). Average fluorescent intensity along forespore contour vs time in the mother-forespore reference frame as shown in top inset. All cells are aligned in time based on time 0’ (0 min). Time 0’ is assigned to the onset of curving septum (Figure 1—figure supplement 3). Bottom inset is average kymograph represented as heat map. (F–G) Average kymograph for cells treated with cephalexin ( = 18) (F) or bacitracin ( = 26). (G) When drug was added analyzed cells had (55 ± 5)% engulfment (red arrow). The percentage of engulfment is calculated as total angle of forespore covered with mother membrane divided by full angle. All cells had fully curved septum. Non-engulfed part of the forespore is represented as the black regions in kymographs. (H) In untreated sporangia, gap starts to close ∼20 min after onset of membrane curving. In antibiotic-treated cells gap does not close. Sample size as in (F–G). Red arrow points when drug is added. Average ± SEM. Scale bar 1 μm.