Figure 1. Acute increased O2 saturation and blood flow in microvasculature with single injection of HbαX in vivo.
(A–D) Photoacoustic microscopy images of O2 saturation (sO2) and blood flow from microvasculature of murine ear at baseline (A–B) and 120 minutes post HbαX injection (C–D). All images are from the same portion of the ear. The ^ symbol denotes an arteriole and # denotes a venule. Qualitatively, sO2 increases after HbαX injection shown by warmer colors in the regions of capillary beds. Blood flow is shown in both arterioles and venules with red coloring denoting regions of highest flow. Quantification of sO2 (E) and average flow velocity (F) from mice receiving HbαX injection (solid lines, n=3) and saline injection (dotted lines, n=3); red denotes arteriolar value, blue denotes venular. Scale bar in A is 100 μm.