Fig. 1.
Histological differences between the human breast and mouse mammary gland. The functional unit of the human breast gland is the terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU). This structure is composed of multiple acini and small ductules and is embedded in a collagenous stroma. The stroma can be divided in two, the interstitial stroma, between TDLUs and ducts, and the looser cellular-rich lobular stroma, within TDLUs. The Human mammary tissue along with the stroma, is in turn embedded in fat tissue. In mice, the mammary gland is composed of a series of branching ducts, terminating in the terminal end bud (TEB). Compared to human breast tissue, the collagenous stroma surrounding the mouse mammary epithelium has a much smaller volume (periductal stroma), so the epithelial structure is enclosed by fat tissue. Adapted from Parmar et al. [13] with permission