Figure 2.
(A) Startle responses and (B) skin conductance level (SCL) during the generalization test phase separated for individuals tested 24 h (recent) or 2 wk (remote) after acquisition. Bars (with standard errors) depict the responses to CTX+ (black), CTX− (gray), G-CTX (white), and ITI (striped, only for the startle response). Startle and skin conductance responses suggest successful extinction learning for participants of both the recent test and remote-test group as indicated by comparable responses to CTX+ and CTX−. Importantly, the recent test group only tested 24 h after acquisition was able to distinguish between CTX+ and G-CTX, as indicated by differential fear responses (i.e., startle potentiation). Such discrimination was not apparent in the participants tested 15 d after acquisition, suggesting forgetting of context-threat associations. For further details see text. (*) P < 0.05.