Figure 3. Genetic analysis of the four offspring piglets of F1 generation derived from the founder T#1(♀) and #T6(♂).
(a) PCR amplification of the region around target site in B2m using the primers: B2m-TAL-F: 5-CGGTGAAATCCTCTGGCG-3; B2m-TAL-R: 5-GCCTGTGCTTCCCTGAGACT-3; product size: 658bp; M: DNA marker DL1000; WT: wild-type pig genomic DNA; P2, P215, P216 and P214 indicate the piglet #P2, piglet #P215, piglet #P216 and piglet #P214, respectively; Cont: wild type pig as control. (b) All the PCR products from F1 piglets subjected to T7EN1 cleavage assay. (c) Sequencing results of the modified B2m alleles in the four piglets of F1 offspring; the sequences targeted by left and right TALEN are labeled in red and green respectively. The mutations in blue, lower case; deletions (−). N/N indicates the positive colonies out of total sequenced.