Figure 2. Cued Recall.
Differences in cueing benefits for emotional and neutral associations. Cueing of emotional associations (black bars) improved memory recall only when applied during NREM (P = 0.032), but not during REM sleep or wakefulness. Cueing benefits for emotional associations were greater for the NREM as compared to the Wake group (P = 0.005). Independent of arousal, cueing benefits were generally greater for the NREM as compared to the Wake group (main effect of cueing: P = 0.023), while no general cueing benefit emerged for REM sleep (P = 0.84). The cueing benefit score was created by first calculating the change of correctly recalled associations for cued and uncued associations separately, with setting the performance before the retention interval to 100%. Following, the uncued was subtracted from the cued score. Values are means ± SEM. *P ≤ 0.05 **P ≤ 0.01.