Figure 4. Effect of protease inhibitors on the pulmonary emphysema and dysfunction in C57/BL6J-βENaC-Tg mice.
Pulmonary phenotypes were evaluated in oral camostat methylate (CM)- (a–f) or ONO-3403-treated (g–l) C57/BL6J-βENaC-Tg mice. Emphysematous phenotypes (a,b,g,h) and pulmonary dysfunction (c–f,i–l) of the mice were evaluated. Age-matched C57/BL6J mice (WT) were used as healthy controls. n = 4–7 and n = 7–8 for CM and ONO-3403 treatments, respectively. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, versus WT mice; #p < 0.05, versus vehicle-treated C57/BL6J-βENaC-Tg mice; Student’s t test.