Albinet |
2014 |
34 older adults (all female) |
Increases in cerebral oxygen responses in the right DLPFC partially mediate relationship between aerobic fitness and executive control performance |
Statistical |
Chaddock |
2010 |
49 preadolescent children |
Hippocampal volume mediates relationship between aerobic fitness and relational memory |
Statistical |
Chaddock-Heyman |
2013 |
23 preadolescent children |
Increases in prefrontal activation and executive functioning following a 9-month aerobic exercise intervention |
Experimental |
Colcombe |
2004 |
41 older adults (study 1); 29 older adults (study 2) |
Greater activation in prefrontal, parietal, and anterior cingulate cortex, and well as increased cognitive control performance in higher aerobically fit (Study 1) or aerobically trained (Study 2) individuals |
Statistical (Study 1); Experimental (Study 2) |
Erickson |
2009 |
165 older adults |
Hippocampal volume mediates relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and spatial memory |
Statistical |
Erickson |
2011 |
120 older adults |
Volume of the hippocampus and memory performance increase following a 12-month aerobic exercise intervention |
Experimental |
Hillman |
2014 |
221 preadolescent children |
Frontal activation, cognitive inhibition, and flexibility increases following 9-month aerobic exercise intervention |
Experimental |
Hyodo |
2015 |
60 male older adults |
Activation of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex mediates relationship between fitness and cognitive control |
Statistical |
Kamijo |
2011 |
43 preadolescent children |
Increases in cognitively relevant frontal ERP component (CNV) and in working memory following a 9-month aerobic exercise intervention |
Experimental |
Kraft |
2014 |
43 overweight children |
Activity increases in the anterior cingulate cortex and decreases in precentral gyrus and parietal cortex following 8-month aerobic exercise intervention; Improved cognitive control performance |
Experimental ∗No group × Time interactions for any neurocognitive outcome |
Krogh |
2014 |
79 clinically depressed older adults |
Positive association between change in hippocampal volume and changes in memory following a 3-month aerobic exercise intervention |
Experimental ∗Issues with adherence; no group × Time interactions |
Maass |
2015 |
40 older adults |
Hippocampal volume, perfusion, and memory increases following a 3-month aerobic exercise intervention; Changes in perfusion statistically mediate relationship between volume and memory |
Experimental and Statistical |
Makizako |
2015 |
310 older adults with MCI |
Hippocampal volume mediates the association between PA and memory in older adults with MCI |
Statistical |
Oberlin |
2016 |
241 older adults across two studies |
White matter integrity mediates relationship between fitness and spatial working memory |
Statistical |
Pajonk |
2010 |
24 schizophrenic patients |
Hippocampal volume and short-term memory improve following 3-month aerobic exercise intervention; Changes in volume correlate with changes in memory |
Experimental |
Ruscheweyh |
2012 |
62 older adults |
Positive association between changes in PA and episodic memory following a 6 months mixed-intensity intervention no longer significant after accounting for the variance associated with change in anterior cingulate gray matter volume |
Experimental ∗No group × Time interactions |
Ten Brinke |
2015 |
86 female older adults |
Hippocampal volume increases following 6-month aerobic exercise intervention. Changes in volume negatively associated with changes in short-term memory |
Experimental |
Verstynen |
2012 |
179 older adults |
Volume of the caudate nucleus mediates relationship between fitness and cognitive flexibility |
Statistical |
Voss |
2010 |
62 older adults |
Connectivity of large-scale brain networks and executive functioning improve following 6-month aerobic exercise intervention; changes in connectivity correlate with changes in executive functioning. |
Experimental |
Voss |
2013a |
70 older adults |
Improved fitness is associated with changes in prefrontal and temporal white matter integrity following a 12-month aerobic exercise intervention; no changes in short-term memory performance reported between groups; no mediation model could be tested |
Experimental ∗No group × Time interaction for neurocognitive outcome |
Weinstein |
2012 |
142 older adults |
Volume of prefrontal cortex mediates the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness and working memory, as well as that between fitness and inhibitory control |
Statistical |
Wong |
2015 |
128 older adults |
Greater anterior cingulate cortex activation mediates relationship between fitness and dual task performance |
Statistical |