Figure 5. Hypoxia induces a phosphorylation barcode in the absence of agonist binding.
Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) overexpressing β2-AR were exposed to the β-agonist isoproterenol or 5-hour hypoxia. β2-ARs were enriched by alprenolol for quantitative mass spectrometry analysis of phosphorylated peptides. 21% and 2% O2 (n = 3); β-agonist (n = 2). (A) Spectrum for the pS246-containing peptide. The mass difference between the y7 and y8 ions is consistent with phosphorylation at S246. (C) Spectrum for the pS261- and pS262-containing peptide. The masses of the y5, y6, and y7 ions are consistent with phosphorylation at S261 and S262. (E) Spectrum for the pS355- and pS356-containing peptide. The masses of the y16, y17, and y18 ions are consistent with phosphorylation at S355 and S356. (B, D, and F) Dot plots showing abundance of each phosphorylated peptide at 21% or 2% oxygen or with β-agonist. (G and H) Expression of phosphorylated β2-AR at S355/S356 and total β2-AR in HUVECs with 21% or 2% oxygen (vehicle or GRK inhibitor at 125 μM). Replicate samples run on parallel gels are presented (n = 2). (I) Hypoxia-specific β-AR phosphorylation barcode with increased (pink) and decreased (blue) phosphorylation at unique sites.