Malthusian fitness |
Fitness classes within a population |
Frequency of the fitness class at time
Population size, effective size |
Number of fitness classes at time
Mean fitness at time
Variance in fitness at time
Weight of the class
Mean value of any variable averaged over the current distribution of genotypes within a population |
〈〉 |
“Ensemble expectation” of any random variable, averaged over replicate (finite) populations |
“Empirical” MGF of in a given population, at time
“Empirical” CGF of in a given population, at time
Expected MGF under the deterministic approximation |
Expected CGF under the deterministic approximation |
Distribution of fitness effects of mutations |
Selection coefficient of a mutation relative to its parent |
Probability distribution function of in background
Expectation of any variable over the DFE in background
Mean effect of mutations on fitness in the background with fitness (or any background in nonepistatic models) |
MGF of the DFE |
MGF of the DFE in the background with fitness
Linear effect of on the CGF of the DFE |
Harmonic mean in absolute value of the DFE in the background
Genomic mutation rate |
Mutation load (with an optimal fitness class at ) |
Fisher’s geometric model |
Dimension of the phenotypic space |
Mutational variance at each trait |