Figure 3.
Cardinal features and characteristics of skin lesions of EPP/XLPP.
Notes: (A) The common signs and symptoms found in both erythropoietic protoporphyria and X-linked protoporphyria. (B, C) Common cutaneous lesions in protoporphyria. (B) The image shows an acute photosensitivity reaction resulting in edema of the face and erythema on the bridge of the nose following sun exposure. (C) The image demonstrates the chronic skin changes on the hand of a patient with protoporphyric liver disease. There are thickening and lichenification of the dorsum of the hand in areas that had experienced repeated sun exposure. (Photos kindly provided by JR Bloomer, MD).
Abbreviations: EPP, erythropoietic protoporphyria; XLPP, X-linked protoporphyria.